A&P - growing like weeds!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Sharing - or not

I remember as a kid that my sister and I had trouble sharing, but what siblings don't?  We are 5 1/2 year apart, so luckily, there wasn't much that I wanted of hers.  Besides I was way cooler, right Terri?  I do, however, remember times when my parents had to intervene.

This morning before I took the boys to school I had a sneak peak into the next 17 years of my life. 

There we were, just chillin' before school.
Andrew:  Hey, look Parker - I've got a really cool toy...
Parker:  That is a cool toy, Andrew - wanna share with your favorite brother?

Andrew:  But I was having fun playing with it and I had it first!

Andrew:  Parker!  I don't want to share - get off me or you'll regret it...

While they didn't exactly have this conversation - I know it's going to happen someday.  Who knows, maybe they will surprise me.  Maybe they will be great at sharing - or not. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the onesies and love that you caught this exchange on camera!!!
