A&P - growing like weeds!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


A&P 8.0

Today the boys are 8 months old, and I marvel at how fast time flies.  It seems like everyday they learn something new.  More and more they are little boys, instead of the tiny babies we brought home last June.

Parker - His drive to be independent is incredible!  Just this weekend, he has started rocking back and forth on his hands and knees and we all know what comes next...  Nothing below 3 feet will be off limits, and I'm sure his brother will go the opposite direction.  He is also pulling up well and cruising is in our near future.

Andrew - Our little Gerber baby.  He is happy hanging out and giggling his way through the day.  He loves his groceries and is a full pound bigger than his brother.  Andrew is a very content baby and loves to be social!  He also loves music, and will bang together toys keeping a pretty decent beat.

Both boys have their two bottom teeth, but I suspect Andrew is working on more.  His shirt was drenched from drool this weekend. They are solid food champs, and fairly open to trying new things - although they are not shy about telling you if they actually like what they are eating.  Tonight we had sweet potatoes, pumpkin, peaches and graham crackers - it was a hit!  

Bath time is fun every night.  They both love to splash and play.  We are still bathing one at a time, but it won't be long before they are in the same tub.

Parker doing his best Lyle Lovette...

The days of sleeping through HEB are history.  The twins ride in the cart like big boys, trying to reach for any and everything -including each other's hair.  I'm still amazed at the number of people who actually ask us "Are they twins?"  Sometimes I feel like saying "No - we have two kids who are the same size, often dressed in matching outfits - what makes you think they are twins?"  But instead we just say yes and people ooh and ahh over their cuteness.

Playing with some of our favorite toys!

At school, the boys are moving up to the older infant class next Monday.  I think it will encourage them to grow and learn new things.  At the end of March, they will be getting baptized - a very special day!  More on that later...

Until next time, A&P fans.   

1 comment:

  1. They are so, so cute (but you already knew this!). Bath time is so awesome. I can't wait for two in a tub pics.
