A&P - growing like weeds!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Attack Kisses

This morning my heart melted. 

For a few weeks Andrew has been perfecting his "attack kisses."  He studies your face, usually your cheek, and opens his mouth wide to plant a big slobbery kiss.  Sometime he'll even pull your face in with his hands. 

Parker decided this morning it was time for his attempt at attack kissing.  I didn't realize what was happening when I carried him into the kitchen, until he grabbing my face and was closing in on my cheek.  It was so cute.  As soon as it happened and he saw me smile and kiss him back, he did it over and over.

Man, these boys sure do know how to work the cuteness!


  1. I loved when Lilly gave me these! She would act like she was looking somewhere else and when I wasn't paying attention, she would grab my checks and just eat my nose! Now she just grabs my nose and tries to pull it off my face!
