A&P - growing like weeds!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


A day in the life...

Whew, the last month has just flown by! 

The twins are 7 months old now, and growing up so quickly.  Here's a typical day...

5:00am Wake Up - morning bottle & play time
8:00am Breakfast - fruit, cereal
8:30am Nap
10:00am mid-morning bottle & playtime
Noon  Lunch - veggies, meat, cereal
12:30pm Nap
2:00pm Early afternoon bottle & playtime
4:30pm Late afternoon bottle - sometimes a catnap & playtime
6:00pm Dinner - veggies, fruit, mum-mums
6:45pm Bath, PJs, Read books
7:00pm Bedtime

Parker is sitting up really well, and reaching out to gather toys - usually the ones his brother is playing with.  Andrew is content lounging back unless he's really interested in the toy in front of him. 

Meals are becoming more about the family time.  Jeff & I can finally eat hot food again!  Often times, the boys will eat some of what we are eating, if it is easily mashable.  Andrew and Parker love feeding themselves finger food!  Mum-mums, puffs, fruit cubes, etc... are favorite finger foods.

The boys are getting more and more cuddly.  They love kisses and hugs - both giving and receiving. 

Well, that's it for now A&P fans!  Hopefully tonight I'll be able to get some video of our favorite nighttime activity - bath time!  Andrew is having so much fun discovering how to splash, and Parker loves playing with all the toys. 

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