A&P - growing like weeds!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Another Christmas dose of A&P

More pictures from our Florida trip...enjoy!

Andrew and Jan goofing around

It's a stand off

Love my new mesh teether from Kay & Robert!

Cremers Chrimstas

Reindeer Butts

Bedtime story from Nana and Popi

Nana looking a little crazy

P and Mommy

Corrigan Christmas


Christmas in Tally

December 23rd the Cremers and Corrigans packed up and headed from Austin, TX to Tallahassee, FL.  I know what you're thinking - a 4 year old (Jamie), 2 year old (Jack) & two 6 month olds (Andrew & Parker) all on the same flights?!  Well, yes, and actually they did a great job of keeping it together on two longs days of travel. 

Christmas Eve was filled with friends at Nana and Popi's annual Chrimstas Party.  We loved seeing the bridge group and having them peak in on the sleeping twins.  Some of Trish and Terri's old friends from high school came by too.  Rita and Warren came by early in the day and got to hang with the boys for a while before the party. 

Christmas Day the boys got to meet lots of new people - Grandma Lucy, PapaJoe, Jan & Michael from LA, Kay and her two daughters, Janice & Preston, Gale & Emmalea and Yvonne with her daughter Lisa.  We are very excited for Michael and Jan who tied the knot on Christmas Eve!  Congrats to the happy couple!

A & P Meet PapaJoe

A couple of observations from Christmas Day -
1 - Toy companies actually make wrestling rings for cars - WOW. 
2 - Parker can now stay sitting up for 1-2 minutes on his own!!
3 - Andrew has a thing for older women as demonstrated by his attachment to Kay's 18 year old daughter.
4 - If I had to pick one thing to eat for the rest of my life it just might be Aunt Janice's shrimp salad.
5 - Toys/toy packaging still require an engineering degree to open/assemble.

After a busy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we chilled a Camp Perdue on the 26th and then packed up to head home on the 27th.  It was a lovely holiday and we are so blessed to have such wonderful family.  We love you and miss you!

The Percremegan Family (Perdue, Cremers & Corrigan)

Random side note - the TSA agents in Panama City thought they hit the jackpot when they saw the twins coming.  It's a small and fairly new airport.  "Finally," the TSA agent thought to himself, "a chance to use all the fancy equipment we have been dying to try out."  They tested 4 bottles of formula, 4 bottles of water, powdered formula for mixing bottles, Vaseline, lotion, hand sanitizer, saline nose drops, diaper cream, and anything else in our two diaper bags that look "suspicious."  The baby food, packed by Gerber had to get management approval.  30 minutes later we were checked in.  To their credit, we do look very dangerous and terrorist-like as the photos above show...


Christmas with Jeff's Family

This past Sunday we celebrated Christmas with Jeff's extended family.  It was lots of fun!  Sonia and her two boys (Andrew and Kevin) were in town from San Jose.  Joy & Stephanie came from Taylor.  Randall and Kathy came from Rockport.  Wiley and of course Grandma Charlene came from Austin.  After lunch at the Texican Cafe, we came back to Camp Cremers for dessert and gifts.

Andrew and Parker made out like bandits.  A BIG thank you to all for the boy's gifts - they will be well dressed and have lots of toys for the coming year. 

A couple of things we learned on Sunday
#1 - toys that make noise are Andrew & Parker's favorites
#2 - an Engineering degree is required for taking toys our of the packaging
#3 - Andrew is wanting to try queso - he eyeballed Sonia's quite a bit during lunch

Here are some pictures from the day - enjoy!

Andrew getting kisses from his Great Aunt Joy

Parker trying to eat wrapping paper

Andrew opening gifts

Grandma Charlene taking toys out of their packages

Parker chillin' with his Great Uncle Wiley
Andrew taking in a bottle with cousin Stephanie


Who's THIS guy?

We had our Christmas Party at school today and took pictures with Santa Clause.  Andrew gave his typical "I don't smile for the paparazzi" face and was fairly oblivious to Santa.  Parker, on the other hand, was fascinated by the man in the white beard.  Enjoy the pics!
Parker and Andrew meet Santa for the first time.

Whoa dude, and I thought I had a lot of hair!
Nice try Santa.

With Mommy in our classroom.


Sharing - or not

I remember as a kid that my sister and I had trouble sharing, but what siblings don't?  We are 5 1/2 year apart, so luckily, there wasn't much that I wanted of hers.  Besides I was way cooler, right Terri?  I do, however, remember times when my parents had to intervene.

This morning before I took the boys to school I had a sneak peak into the next 17 years of my life. 

There we were, just chillin' before school.
Andrew:  Hey, look Parker - I've got a really cool toy...
Parker:  That is a cool toy, Andrew - wanna share with your favorite brother?

Andrew:  But I was having fun playing with it and I had it first!

Andrew:  Parker!  I don't want to share - get off me or you'll regret it...

While they didn't exactly have this conversation - I know it's going to happen someday.  Who knows, maybe they will surprise me.  Maybe they will be great at sharing - or not. 


Santa Babies

So what exactly do you get a 6 month old for Christmas?  We're heading to Florida to visit Trish's parents, and Jeff's mom will get the boys tons of goodies.   Are we bad parents if we just don't get them anything?  Perhaps we should get them a 3 month supply of diapers...


Parker's new trick

I decided long ago that Parker would be our "Ladies Man" and he is certainly acting the part.  Parker has always loved his hair - playing with it, stroking it while eating from a bottle, pulling on it, and rubbing his head while he goes to sleep.  Lately he can't seem to get enough - his hands are ALWAYS behind his head.

exhibit A - a typical Saturday morning in our house

exhibit B - our family Christmas Picture in which he felt the need to express himself

If you see us out and about, and you wonder which twin is Parker - just look for the kid that is chillin'.


Andrew is the pround new owner of...

...tubes in his ears.  Poor little guy ended up with three ear infections in two months.  The tubes should give some much needed relief.  Kudos to Jeff for playing nurse this afternoon!
Rae the rabbit - and his tasty ears.

Daddy with Andrew & Rae before surgery.