A&P - growing like weeds!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Happy Halloween from A&P

The twins dressed up for school today - and were so excited to show their friends the costumes.  Have a happy halloween and stay safe out there!!

This pumpkin looks perfect for throwing...

Puppy and Dino butts

I want this one

Does this costume make my head look big?


Cat says mooo...

A & P are starting to repeat words like little parrots - ok, maybe like parrots after a few Mexican Martinis from Trudy's, but sounds coming from their mouths kind of sound like the words we say.  We're talking beyond mama, dada, ball, etc...

Both are fond of telling us what sounds various animals make - duck say "kack kack", cow (and sometimes cat) say "moo", dog says "oof oof", and cat say "mao". 

Andrew's favorite words include:
"un-da" which means "clean up" (as he tries to sing the clean up song)
"o-e-ya" which means "Olivia" (a cartoon pig & a little girl at school)

Parker's favorite works include:
"peeesss" as he pats his chest, attempting sign language for please (often pointing at the puzzles put up on the mantle)
"ba pak" for "back pack" (which he carries into school everyday)

They both understand far more than they can say, and it's only a matter of time before daddy will see the necessity of editing his humor. 

Lounging in our UT gear
 In other news, we tried on our Halloween costumes last night.  Andrew is a dog and Parker is a dragon (or dinosaur - there is a debate - you tell us what you think).  We also enjoyed lounging in our UT chairs this week...thanks to Grandma's friend, Dora. 
Parker the Dragon

Andrew the Puppy


Pumpkins in the Patch

The little pumpkins went to the local Pumpkin Patch this past weekend.  As you can see in the pictures, we had fun with all the autumn trimmings.  Parker enjoyed gnawing on gourds, while Andrew played with the hay. 

Hooray!  Lots of pumpkins!

Look ma, I caught one!

The fascinating world of hay...

Seriously mom, put the camera down.

Ooo - who's the cutie in the ballerina tutu?

And a random "trying on dad's shoes" picture...