A&P - growing like weeds!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


A & P Celebrate the BIG 1!

It's official -  our baby boys are one year old and teetering their way into toddler hood. 


What a joy you are!  Smiling and giggling all the time, you are content with almost any setting.  You easily warm up to new people and places.  The watch and wait approach you take to life has treated you well. You enjoy the helicopter toy you got for your birthday, taking a cruise in your Cozy Coupe, and exploring all of the items in your toy box.  Patty Cake is by far your favorite hand clapping game!

You are a fan of almost all foods and love your milk cup.  No more bottles or formula for you - you made the switch last month and have never looked back.  Your favorite foods include fruit crisps, daddy's pancakes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, ham, Nana's spaghetti, and yogurt smoothies! 

On the move - you are crawling and cruising EVERYWHERE.  I've heard rumors of you standing up in the middle of the room, but I haven't seen it yet.  I'm sure it's just a matter of time before you are walking and then running.  All of this moving does tucker you out - and you take one 2-2 1/2 hour nap each day. 

Twiddling your thumbs - it's what you do when you are in your car seat.  SO CUTE!  We love you sweet Andrew!


You are so smart!  It amazes me to watch your little mind work at problem solving.  Your persistence will serve you well in life, and your flirtatious grin has already gotten you superior table service at restaurants.  You love books, and the Trucks book with the sliding doors is your current favorite.  Music is so fun for you - wheels on the bus, and the bubble song are your favorite hand motions.

The big change from bottles and formula to milk and cups was a breeze for you - it's almost as if you didn't notice.  You are a pro with straws and have such a proud big-boy look on your face when you get to drink from one.  Nana's sspaghetti, Cheerios, zucchini, sweet potatoes, graham crackers and yogurt are among your favorite.  Most foods you will warm up to, once you get past the texture. 

Stairs - they are your new favorite physical challenge.  We let you climb up on the way to bath and bed.  The first time you went up the stairs, you had one stair give you trouble - you just grunted and got even more determined - that's my little Persistent Parker.  You are just days away from walking on your own.  Daddy is your favorite jungle gym.

One of my favorite moments of the day is carrying you into your room for bedtime.  You get so excited about nighttime kisses and your lovey - you wiggle and giggle and get the biggest grin on your face.  We love you so much, little Parker. 

Happy Birthday Big Boys! 


Splitting Hairs

This morning, we had breakfast at Dan's resturant and the twins went to see Mike the Barber in downtown Buda.  Grandma and Nana joined us on our visit.  Mike was the barber who gave Jeff (the twin's daddy) his first haircut! 

Afterwards we enjoyed our first splash in the big neighborhood pool.  Aunt Terri, Jack and Jamie came to swim too.  After a lunch of grilled cheese and strawberries, the babies are napping.  Fun Saturday!

Here are a few pictures from our barber shop adventure...

As you can see, Parker was not a fan.  Too bad since the kid has so much hair!

Andrew took it in stride!


Cabinets, cords, and doggie doors...

The boys are moving around like crazy, and getting into EVERYTHING and ANYTHING.  Mobile life in the Cremers household has been challenging to say the least.  I could see keeping an eye on one kid, but two brings twice the curious brain power - often traveling in different directions.  Parker certainly blazes the trail.  Some of his favorite activities include, sitting in the race track, looking out the window into his garden, and opening the china hutch cabinet doors.  Andrew is a little more cautious.  He watches Parker and then joins in - I am sure this "wait and see" perspective will serve Andrew well in life.  Both kiddos like playing with bouncy balls.  Parker has quite an arm and Andrew loves rolling the ball.

Andrew is practicing walking and pushes his favorite toys around the room.  Parker is in the same "walking any day now" mode. 

Both boys are rock stars with their sippy cups.  We have cut out bottles completely and mommy & daddy couldn't be happier.  They are eating almost everything we eat, and enjoy yogurt and grilled cheese sandwiches the most.  I am amazed at how many veggies the twins consume (and grateful).  Andrew has grown fond of feeding the doggies from his booster seat.  Maybe that's why Turbo is constantly sniffing around Andrew as if he's hunting for his next snack?   

The twins are fantastic sleepers.  Each night, they know the routine....starting with bathtime, then PJs, read a few books and then bedtime with their lovies (little elephant blankies).  Every now and then we'll hear a small protest, but for the most part they just wiggle around to settle in and are asleep for the night.  Bedtime is at 7:30pm - which means wake up is around 5:30 or 6:00am.  

Nap times - Miss Dana at school is fantastic with the boys.  They have gotten down to one nap a day in most cases (usually 11:30am - 1:30pm).  On the weekends we still take an hour nap in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.  Someday soon we'll be down to one nap a day on the weekends too.   

Music makes the world go round - or at least that's what Andrew and Parker think.  Anytime you start singing song, they both stop in mid-stream and join in with clapping or hand motions.  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Wheels on the Bus, and Patty Cake are among the favorites. 

Mama and Dada are the current words of choice, but both boys know dog (or "duh"), and have started mimicking uh-oh and ta-da.  Let's just hope Jeff doesn't teach them to say "ta-da" after bodily noises. 

It's hard to believe the babies are almost a year old.  I guess we'll have to starting thinking about them as toddlers sooner than later.  Oh, and some folks have asked what to get the boys for their first birthday...they have more toys and clothes than they need (although either will certainly be appreciated).  Board Books would make fantastic gifts. 

Well, that's it for now.