A&P - growing like weeds!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


A & P - 18 months

Big A!

You are too cute for words. 

Knocking over towers of blocks, throwing balls, and sneaking off with the TV remote are among your favorite activities.  You often pick up books and turn them as if you are reading to the room, gibber jabbering away!

Recently you got your own Nativity for Christmas.  While the sheep says "baa" and the cow says "moo", you've decided the camel says "wwwwrrrrrooooaaaarrrr" in a very soft whisper.  It so sweet.  If only you understood that other sounds could be made at lower decibels.  You are a hard-wired BOY.

Becoming more and more self sufficient, you love to get your shoes and sock and attempt getting yourself dressed.  Lately you aren't a fan of diaper changes - maybe potty training will be sooner than I think (or maybe that's just wishful thinking).  At this rate its only a matter of time before you will be running out the door to hop on your bike and patrol the neighborhood. 

Big P!

You are talking up a storm!  Most of the time it does not sound like English, but I know you are trying your hardest to tell us all kinds of things.  Your favorite word (besides NO!) is Outside.  You are always asking "umna umna outside?"  We also hear you in the mornings, waking up your brother, yelling "An-rew."

Your new kitchen (an early Christmas present) is your favorite toy.  You love washing your hands so much, that it took a few conversations for you to be at peace without running water in the new kitchen. 

Night time is still one of your favorite times.  You love the 5 Little Monkeys books and wagging your finger as the doctor says "NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!"  Even though you and your brother haven't quite figured out sharing, you do give each other lots of hugs, and good night kisses.  The last couple of nights after we lay you down to sleep, you actually say "I love you."  It makes your daddy's heart melt. 

Happy 18th Months, boys!  Here's a picture of you with Santa this year.  Please send the counseling bill to your grandparents.


1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post and a great update on the boys. They sound like such sweetheart - regardless of their feelings for Santa....
